invite, -ing, -tation • call (n, v) : to make a request or demand ( in this sense in Persian خواستن and مطالبه كردن ); to demand the presence and participation of a number of persons by calling aloud their names, either in a pre-arranged and systematic order or in a succession determined by chance. ~ing • summon ( v ) : 1. to issue a call to convene 2. to command by service of a summons to appear in court 3. to call upon for specified action • summons (n) ( in legal parlance احضار يه ) : 1. the act of summoning; esp : a call by authority to appear at a place named or to attend to a duty 2. a warning or citation to appear in court; as a : a written notification to be served on a person warning him to appear in court at a day specified to answer to the plaintiff b. a subpoena to appear as a witness 3. something (as a call) that summons • ask, ~ing • call upon
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